So we are now in 2016, this is a common reply to the last year but it has gone really quick. 2015 was a good year, I got to go to some amazing events and meet authors that I have wanted to meet for a long time. I started this blog and finished school and started university, so many things happened. But as is common with the ending of a year, people make resolutions, my personal ones are the normal ones, exercise more, eat less chocolate but I thought I would talk about my bookish resolutions for the year as there are quite a few of them. I am going to separate them into things I am going to change on my blog, reading resolutions and challenges I want to take part in. So let's get started...
Blogging Resolutions
#1 To use the new created banner on posts
I have seen a lot of people use banners on their blog and it looked like a nice idea so I thought I would add it to my mine. It also means that long blog posts like this have some colour. I don't know I like it
#2 To be more consistent in blog posts
Although I had a nice start to my blogging life, life often got in the way especially after say September so I want to be consistent with my blog posts. I am going to write as many as possible before I go to university so hopefully my goal will remain.
#3 Write more reviews
For those of you that have seen my blog posts from the beginning you may know that I write limited book reviews on my blog. Although when I write reviews, I enjoy doing them, I am a great procrastinator when it comes to writing them. I would say do one a week however I think that is too much to ask for at the minute so just to write some should be an improvement. I do have some reviews to come however they need to be written first...
#4 To create more blog posts that I care about
I often think that my blog becomes a lot about the memes e.g T5W and TTT and I would like to talk about more things that I am interested in. This means if I want to talk about films or TV shows that I can do that rather than just about books. This also goes for discussion posts. I think that having my blog title as my name gives me so much freedom that I just don't use. I need to break my schedule every so often...
Reading Resolutions
#1 Read what I want and to enjoy the reading experience more
This is because I feel like I am just reading to hit goals rather than reading for fun. This was something that was mentioned on #ukyachat as a lot of people did not have massive goals and it was more about quality of reading rather than quantity. I will talk about this more in the goodreads challenge and I want to write a blog post about it too.
#2 Read more adult fiction
I am often stuck in my ways when it comes to reading and I read a lot of YA and I really want to start reading more diversely. I own a few adult fiction books that I would like to read as I haven't previously read a lot of adult fiction.
#3 Read more fantasy and less contemporary
Over the last couple of years a lot of my books are contemporary based and I own a lot of YA fantasy that I need to read as I know I am going to read and enjoy them and although I enjoy contemporary, I know that if I want to complete a lot of my reading goals I should read less of it.
#4 To DNF books more
I read a lot of books this year and some of them I really did not enjoy. I therefore think that I should start DNF'ing books more so that I have read for pleasure and it should lead me to reading more. Hopefully...
#5 Read more classics
Over the last couple of years one of my challenges has been to read more classics and this year I am determine to read more, 12 in fact. I will talk more about this later in the post.
#1 The Ultimate Popsugar Reading Challenge
I completed this challenge last year and I really enjoyed it so I thought I would do it again. Last year it was to read 50 books to make your reading more diverse, this year the concept is the same however it is 40 books. I plan to attempt to do this one but I may not complete it all. I will definitely try.
#2 Goodreads Reading Challenge
This challenge go with the reading for fun as I have only pledged to read 1 book this year. The reason is that I do not want to be confined by a reading goal and want to read for fun. I also want to read a lot of books that I know may take me some time to read and I don't want to think "should I put this book down just so I can keep to my goal."
#3 2016 Classics Challenge
Due to me wanting to read more classics this year, I decided to join the classics challenge. The aim is to read a classic novel each month in a year and to do a review of each book read. This equals 12 books in total. Fingers crossed I can do this one.
#4 Netgalley Reading Challenge
I have over 40 netgalley books to read as I want on a binge when I first got on netgalley last year and I need to read and review a lot of them. One of my goals is to get 80% feedback ratio so hopefully I will be able to do it with the help of this challenge.
Do you have any Bookish Resolutions this year? Leave them in the comments below.
See you soon,