It’s Wednesday so that means that it’s Top 5 Wednesday and this week’s topic is top five favourite buzz words. To find more about Top 5 Wednesday’s you can join the goodreads group and discover the creator of the group Lainey. So let’s get started…
Number 5: Strong female character
I love reading books about female characters not just strong female ones as I do not really connect with male characters that much but obviously this is not the only thing that attracts me to a book.
Number 4: Diversity
I really enjoy having diverse books so any buzz words to do with diversity like a POC would definitely make me want to read the book. This is because it is sometime that we definitely need more of.
Number 3: Mental Health
I really enjoy reading books with a theme around mental health as it is good to read about these things and to understand them.
Number 2: LGBT+
I also really enjoying learning about LGBT+ and I find that books with this buzz word often end up on my TBR.
Number 1: Now a major motion picture
This one is probably that makes me want to read it the most because it means I need to read the book before I have seen the movie.
What are your favourite buzz words? Leave them in the comments below.
See you soon,