So on Wednesday (today when this goes up) I will be 22. *is currently listening to 22 by Taylor Swift* Obviously.
The thing about turning 22 is the fact that you have just turned 21. I say just it was a whole year ago. 21 which has so many meanings behind it which is what I mentioned in my post last year so turning 22 feels kind of meh.
21 felt to me last year as to be some big thing like my whole life was going to change. I was graduating from university after so much in my life felt like it was going to change.
But the thing is it didn't.
I stayed for a Masters in History. At the same university with people that I have know for some year and new ones and of course the people the people that graduated last year ain't there anymore and I do miss them. Things are still kind of the same.
Turning 22 feels like it's in the middle. It's not special. It doesn't hold special meaning. It's just itself. This is how I feel like 2019.
2019 is such a middling year for me. I'm not doing anything life changing. I will stay in the same degree until 2020. (AH!!!) Everything is just in the middle. Don't get me wrong this is not a bad thing. It is the opposite if a bad thing. In 2019 when I'm 22 I'm just going to do me. It probably won't be special bit that's OK. I'll have time to work on me which is what I need.
So with that I am going to have a completely normal birthday.
See you soon,