This is the final review from my backlog and for good reason because this book made me question a lot of things. Probably the perfect and not so perfect book for someone who has always thought about their sexuality.
I think that is the thing, this book is based on the premise that Katie Heaney discovered that she likes women and is a lesbian in her late 20s after she thought she was straight. It also deconstructs the idea that women often find themselves coming out at a later age due to the stigma of the word lesbian and identifying as such.
As a person who has not thought they were straight since they were 17 this is not something that I have ignored. I remember potentially liking someone at school when I was 17 after she got a haircut. I just brushed it off though because I couldn't fancy a girl.
At the same time though I thought I fancied boys. (I no longer think I fancy boys.)
This all changed when thought I quite liked the idea of living with a woman in a co-habit relationship and recently this has changed to a new level. I use the word gay sometimes and I think I mean it. Only to get other members of my family to say but Amy you're not gay. I also came out to my Dad when I read this book and this led to a bit of a misunderstanding.
OK, so back to the book!
The whole point though is that Katie Heaney and Would You Rather raised so many questions. The book is so well-written and I loved so many of the chapters themselves including all of the women that Katie Heaney has crushed and her love for Harry Styles. Because same.
I have to admit that this book was so influenced by the way I deal with my sexuality that I changed my sexuality because there was no word that I could put on it. I still can't say if I am fully gay but I think in a way this book made it so much more acceptable for me to do so.
For the most part, it made me feel not so alone.
I know that this book is going to help so many people understand how they feel and that is the real thing that a book can do. Make you feel normal. Make you feel like you.
Overall, this book made me feel so much that is so hard to put in just one review and blog post. It is definitely going to be a favourite of the year because it did so much for me.
So thank you, Katie Heaney.
See you soon,