It’s Wednesday so that means that it’s Top 5 Wednesday and this week’s topic is "favourite" character tropes. Although it is meant to be tropes that you like I thought I would put a spin on the topic and do my sarcastically favourite tropes. I am sorry if this week's topic seems like I am ranting. To find more about Top 5 Wednesday’s you can join the goodreads group and discover the creator of the group Lainey. So let’s get started…
Number 5: Love Triangles
Although I do like love triangles to an extent, I do find them very unrealistic in the sense that they never happen in real life. I dislike them most in dystopian novels because instead of trying to save the world they pine over which boy they want.
Number 4: When the main character falls in love with the best friend
Again I do like this trope to an extent but again this is very unrealistic. Most of us are friends with boys but never do we pursue or get romantic feelings for our friend. I was talking about this before and I said that I would love to write a book when the character has a strong relationship with her best friend but they have no romantic feelings because that is more realistic to life.
Number 3: Strong Female Character
Alright, Alright I don't hate this trope but I do think that it has flaws. I don't think that the strong female character trope should be a thing because all women are strong but in different ways and the word "strong" itself is quite difficult to define. You also don't see male characters being labelled as strong because they are expected to be so already.
Number 2: The likable villain
Everytime that this trope comes up in a book, I don't like the villain but everyone else seems to love them. Whether it be Warner from Shatter Me or the Darkling from the Grisha trilogy people fall in love with the villain and I just don't...
Number 1: Beautiful Girl thinks she is ugly
This is my number one hated character trope as the girls are typically beautiful and just hate the way they look even though they are the typical petite, skinny YA stereotypical just because they have never had a boyfriend. Futhermore, is when they only think they are beautiful when they have a boy tell them.
What are our favourite or "favourite" character tropes? Leave them in the comments below.
See you soon,
Number 5: Love Triangles
Number 4: When the main character falls in love with the best friend
Number 3: Strong Female Character
Number 2: The likable villain
Number 1: Beautiful Girl thinks she is ugly
What are our favourite or "favourite" character tropes? Leave them in the comments below.
See you soon,