I feel so selfish. We live in unprecedented times. I don't know how many times I have heard that in the last couple of days. In my head and flicking through social media trying to find a purpose. It's never-ending and I do it because it gives me something. Because I need it. I need to do something else because if I have time to think: I worry. It has affected me but in a small way. No one in my immediate family has had it although I do know someone, a distant relative, who has died which is why I feel so selfish. People are dying and I am worried about me. I feel so stupid to say but I am. It sucks but I am. You see while we have been curled up in our rooms and houses for a week my education continues. I'm still at University and by September I am still expected to hand in a dissertation. A dissertation that I can't finish because everything is closed. I have an essay due in at the beginning of May and I can't complete it properly because my university's close...